
Showing posts from February, 2023


  Bri had the same feeling of amazement as her comrades who watched from the cockpits of their aircraft. Salunga and The Alpha Ropen were visibly astonished and made the slightest movements in hesitation to brace themselves.                Mothra stayed hovering in the air between Kiryu and the two Mu Kaiju with her mighty wings flapping gracefully yet powerfully. Her songbird-like call suddenly broke the silence that befell the battlefield. The two kaiju roared back at the Queen of the Monsters defiantly.                Pegasus took a quick moment to get in contact with Empress Tao with his communication device.                “Yes Priest?” The Empress asked as her image appeared. “I trust our victory was as swift as we planned?”       ...

EPISODE 14: Second Clash! Kiryu Vs Salunga!

                      In the confines of the Mu Empire’s throne room, Empress Tao was receiving an incoming communication via the drop-down screen. Once again it was Pegasus.                “What news have you, Priest?” Tao asked.                “It’s with great honor, your majesty, to inform you that the new Alpha has emerged.” Pegasus said.                Tao, who normally had a serious expression, looked pleasantly surprised and responded, “So soon? The gestation period was supposed to be 3 days.”                Pegasus answered, “It was a pleasant surprise for us as well.”           ...